SmartCase EZ (Vehicle Control Unit)
Here’s our Vehicle Control Unit for domain control and supervisory software applications. This VCU can be adapted to multiple use cases and is an MCU-only unit with CAN, CANFD, and CANopen communication protocols supported. It is ISO26262 ASIL D and AUTOSAR Classic compliant, and EMC certified.

SmartCase EZ (Vehicle Control Unit)
Automotive Grade MCU-Only Vehicle Control Unit for Supervisory & Domain Control and Micromobility Applications
Developed for safety-critical applications, the DORLECO SmartCase EZ is an MCU-only VCU ideal for domain control and supervisory software applications that do not need VCU native WiFi, Bluetooth, LTE, HDMI, etc. Integrate all existing tools and quickly process and upload project data to iterate control design. Can be used for passenger and commercial vehicles (class 2-8), tractors, electric boats, 2/3-wheelers as well as micromobility services.
- AUTOSAR Classic Compliant
- CAN, CANFD and CANopen Protocols
- Simulink-based Application Development
- ISO 26262 ASIL B & D Compliant and EMC Certified

Wiring Harness
You can also buy a wiring harness with the SmartCase for easy testing and prototyping. The harness will provide all connections to the C1 and C2 pins, a Network connection cable, and a power connection with a latching switch on the ignition input pin.
Interested in adding the wiring harness to your order of the SmartCase EZ? Drop an email to for details.