Self-driving cars are arguably the future, and industries like agriculture, defense, recreation, passenger and commercial transportation are moving towards achieving some level of vehicle autonomy. Autonomous vehicles, on a higher level, consist of perception, localization, prediction, planning, and controls.
Click on the below links to get introduced with autonomous vehicle anatomy, terminologies, general architecture, and examples!
Powertrain Design- An Overview
Introduction Rapid advances in technology and an increasing focus on sustainability are driving an ...
CAN Bus Vs RS485
Introduction to CAN Bus Vs RS485 In industrial and automation applications, communication protocols ...
CAN Bus in Industrial Automation
IntroductionReliability, accuracy, and smooth communication are critical in the dynamic field of ind ...
Advancing VCUs In Electric And Hybrid Vehicles
Introduction In the battle against climate change and the reliance on fossil fuels, electric and hy ...
Future Trends In VCUs
Introduction to Future Trends in VCUs:Rapid technical breakthroughs have caused a drastic uphea ...
Software-Defined Vehicle
Introduction to Software-Defined VehicleWhen it comes to embracing new technologies, the automob ...
Regenerative Braking Systems and Control Strategies
IntroductionRegenerative braking is increasingly used in trains, industrial equipment, and electric ...
VCU Testing and Validation
IntroductionManufacturers and suppliers are constantly working to improve performance, safety, and e ...
An Overview of Electric Vehicle Motor Control Unit
IntroductionBecause of the technological advances made possible by electric motors and batteries, po ...