Emobi, a Bengaluru-based startup, plans to work with several well-known players in the industry to expand into the many electric vehicle markets, such as last-mile deliveries, passenger transportation, utility vehicles, and personal transportation.
New Delhi: Emobi, a Bengaluru-based startup, works with several well-known companies in the industry to advance the field of electric mobility by concentrating on topics like lean manufacturing techniques, economical engineering, and EV design.
According to CEO Bharath Rao, the company plans to introduce its flagship electric two-wheeler, Kyari, into a variety of electric vehicle markets, including last-mile deliveries, passenger transport, utility vehicles, and personal commuting.
Musashi’s geared high-performance drivetrain and Honda Power Pack Energy’s battery-changing technology are features of Kyari. (HEID). He stated that this partnership provides a dependable and long-lasting vehicle, customized to meet the unique requirements of the last-mile delivery and B2B markets.
According to Rao, the main features of Kyari are its performance metrics, which include a battery that is powered by HEID’s Honda e: swap technology, a top speed of 75 km/h, and a peak power of 4.2 kW. He emphasized how these specs not only equal but frequently surpass, the performance of conventional 125CC internal combustion engine vehicles, offering riders a smooth and pleasurable ride that increases their confidence in the switch to electric transportation.
The partnership between the business and Honda Power Pack Energy (HEID) will have a significant impact on battery technology. According to Rao, HEID’s batteries are specifically engineered to facilitate worldwide two-wheeler swapping options. This partnership, which is supported financially by Honda Motors, guarantees the provision of reliable infrastructure, including a large number of battery-switching stations throughout India.
Rao underlined the benefits of interest-free loans for R&D on businesses like Emobi, whose sizeable investments are directed toward research and new product development when talking about the most recent budget allocations. He notes that Indian companies are increasingly focused on the performance of EVs and the integration of high-performance powertrains, and he expects greater support for the EV sector in the main budget following the elections.
In the long run, Emobi hopes to be a major participant on the world stage by strategically investing in its core strengths and working with international partners to provide the necessary components. The objective is to expand the range of vehicles to better meet the changing demands of business-to-business (B2B) clients and to keep pace with the worldwide trend towards renewable energy and sustainable transportation solutions. According to Rao, the corporation sees a time when EVs are a global solution to sustainable and independent mobility, not just a local one.