Self-driving cars are arguably the future, and industries like agriculture, defense, recreation, passenger and commercial transportation are moving towards achieving some level of vehicle autonomy. Autonomous vehicles, on a higher level, consist of perception, localization, prediction, planning, and controls.
Click on the below links to get introduced with autonomous vehicle anatomy, terminologies, general architecture, and examples!
The Ultimate Guide to DC Fast Charging for Electric Vehicles (EVs)
IntroductionFast charging is probably going to be your top concern if you're thinking about making t ...
Role of Cluster Integration in Electric Vehicle
IntroductionThe electric vehicle (EV) industry is going through a technical revolution that is chang ...
Autonomous Agricultural and Construction Vehicles
Introduction A significant technology advancement in farming and construction is represented by aut ...
Technology Advancement in the Automotive Industry
IntroductionAutomobile manufacturers assemble vehicles such as cars, trucks, and motorcycles at vehi ...
Autonomous Vehicle Perception: Enabling Self-Driving Cars
Introduction The development of Autonomous Vehicle Perception, popularly referred to as self-drivin ...
Machine Learning for Autonomous Vehicles
Introduction Machine learning has greatly aided in the creation and operation of autonomous vehicle ...
Autonomous Vehicle Simulation and Testing
Introduction In the auto industry, autonomous vehicles—also referred to as self-driving cars—are a ...
VCU software flash and calibration
Introduction The engine's operational software and specifications must usually be updated to flash ...
Integration of ADAS features into VCUs
Introduction To enhance the safety, automation, and overall performance of the vehicle, Advanced Dr ...